14.10.2008 | 12:46
Bretar hręddust vogunarsjóši en geršu ekkert.
Vęri ekki nęr aš ķslensk yfirvöld, eigendur Kaupžings,lķfeyrissjóšir og ašrir bęšu Gordon Brown aš kyrrsetja allar eigur žessarra vogunarsjóša og framferši žeirra verši rannsakaš.
Breska blašiš NEW STATESMAN sagši žetta žann 31. jślķ 2006:
...Sell-out: Why hedge funds will destroy the world... . Janet Bush:
...If hedge funds were a country, it would be the eighth-biggest on the planet.
They can sink whole economies, and have the potential to crash the entire global financial system.
Yet they are beyond regulation. We should be very afraid ... (litur og leturbr .VJ)
Žetta sögšu bresk yfirvöld įriš 2000, skv. greininni:
...Howard Davies, then chairman of Britain's Financial Services Authority (FSA), admitted in 2000 that hedge funds were not very well understood by policy-makers and regulators, but then added: "That is not astonishing in one sense, in that if we do not regulate it, we need know less about it. But it is clear that if we are interested in systemic stability, we cannot ignore a sector which can mobilise around the same volume of assets as the US commercial banking sector."...
Svo er vitnaš ķ hįttsettan bankamann:
...Enron's core business was failing - or had been hijacked by the greed and venality of its management. But hedge funds have the potential to wreck perfectly healthy and well-run companies. One senior British banker told me: "You talk to any FTSE-100 company and they live in fear of the hedge funds. If they choose to short your shares [a contract in which shares are borrowed for a set period on the bet that they will go down in price, and are then bought back, hopefully more cheaply, and repaid to the institution that lent them] you're fucked." ...
bankamašurinn hefši alveg eins getaš sagt viš Ķslendinga: if they choose to short your currency, you are fucked - žaš var nefnilega žaš sem geršist.
Žį er ķ blašagreininni fjallaš um višbrögš ESB.
...Surely the Europeans, the last bastions against Anglo-Saxon free-market mania, will ride to the rescue. Well, not exactly. The EU internal market and services commissioner, Charlie McCreevy, recently ruled out new rules to regulate hedge funds, saying that they played a crucial role in putting the "fear of God" into company boards, to the benefit of all. A group set up to study hedge funds for the European Commission recently argued that the European industry was adequately regulated and needed to be protected from onerous new rules threatened from the United States. " ...
Žetta er aldeilis traustur félagsskapur sem viš Ķslendingar höfum lent žarna ķ.
Held aš viš ęttum aš foršast veislurnar ķ Brussel hér eftir.
Sjį: http://www.newstatesman.com/200607310033
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