20.1.2012 | 01:19
Með melluna um borð.
Í eina tíð þótti sjómönnum sjálfsagt að taka mellurnar um borð í skip sín um leið og komið var inn í Miðjarðarhafið.
Og skila þeim heim í bakaleiðinni út í Atlantshafið aftur. l
Strandkafteinninn ítalski var einmitt líkari melludólg en skipstjóra á skemmtiferðaskipi.
Bindislaus með óhneppta skyrtuna fyrir ofan nafla.
Ekki að furða að hann hraðað sér burtu til að sleppa kannski við blóðprufu.
Og hafi reynt að halda strandgæslunni fjarri.
Í Wall Street Journal má lesa þetta:
"...Prosecutors are also seeking to speak with Domnica Cemortan, a 25-year-old Moldovan woman who several accounts say was with the captain that night, said a person close to the investigation.
Italian daily Il Secolo XIX on Thursday published a photo it said portrayed Ms. Cemortan dining and drinking wine with the captain an hour before the collision occurred.
In a TV interview earlier this week, one of the ship's cooks said the captain had sent for dinner and wine for himself and a woman as the ship was sinking. It was unclear from the interview if the cook was referring to the same woman.
Mr. Schettino has denied consuming alcohol that night. Results of a blood test that Italian authorities conducted on Mr. Schettino after the shipwreck have not been released.
In a Moldovan television interview and on her Facebook page, Ms. Cemortan described herself as an off-duty crew member who aided the ship's command by translating evacuation instructions for Russian passengers. The captain "did a great thing. He saved more than 3,000 lives," she said in the interview. Costa Crociere said in a statement that the woman boarded the ship as a passenger and was "duly registered."
Þetta verður varla skrautlegra úr þessu.
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Flokkur: Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 02:01 | Facebook
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.